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Ron Walker wake tomorrow 2pm Charlie’s bar

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Ron Walker wake tomorrow 2pm Charlie’s bar Empty Ron Walker wake tomorrow 2pm Charlie’s bar

Post by marquess of weston Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:06 pm

It is Bath City Legend Ron Walker’s funeral tomorrow and his family would love to see Bath City fans at his wake in Charlie’s bar at Twerton Park starting at 2pm. It would would be great if some of you could make it and share memories with his family.

marquess of weston

Posts : 147
Join date : 2014-02-21

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Ron Walker wake tomorrow 2pm Charlie’s bar Empty Re: Ron Walker wake tomorrow 2pm Charlie’s bar

Post by comrade powell Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:21 pm

I've got an appointment earlier but I'll try to be there.
comrade powell
comrade powell

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Join date : 2014-01-27

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