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125th Anniversary Shirt Idea

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125th Anniversary Shirt Idea Empty 125th Anniversary Shirt Idea

Post by SteveBradley Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:05 pm

Here's an idea to raise a few bob around the club's 125th anniversary.

For next season we could release a special 125th anniversary shirt. Either a new version of the home one (though that would probably annoy anyone who's bought the current) or a special away one.

What a few other clubs have done is to then have the names of either season ticket holders and/or individuals who pay for the pleasure printed onto the shirt in a subtle way. Have a look here to see how Parma did it last season (Edit - the site has a rule which says you can't post a link for 7 days if you're a new member. I understand why that is sensible ongoing, but it's daft at this stage as we're all 'new' members at the moment ! Just Google 'Parma 2013 shirt names' and you'll see the images I was providing a link to).

It should hopefully help shift more season tickets and more shirts.

Any thoughts ?


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Join date : 2014-02-21

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125th Anniversary Shirt Idea Empty Re: 125th Anniversary Shirt Idea

Post by comrade powell Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:38 pm

i understand there will be a special shirt next season.
comrade powell
comrade powell

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125th Anniversary Shirt Idea Empty Re: 125th Anniversary Shirt Idea

Post by Beau Nash Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:57 pm

As my Southern League Champions one is worn out (now used as bed wear); I'll buy one, any idea on cost?

"Edit - the site has a rule which says you can't post a link for 7 days if you're a new member"...Possibly a diktat from the Frome Kremlin?   tongue 
Beau Nash
Beau Nash

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