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Hampton v City

comrade powell
Luton Roman
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Hampton v City - Page 2 Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Bristol Mike Sat Nov 11, 2017 11:53 am

Hang on a minute, I am not sure what exact comments were made and I won't defend it if it was personal abuse but the group your aiming at are the same ones who encourage the team with singing for as much of the ninety minutes home and away and yet there are parts of the ground that moan even when winning. I would say start there if you want to pull people to one side but that would make you a hooligan.
At the end of the day we are all frustrated with the current form, let's just hope Gill can sort it out and this can all be forgotten.

Bristol Mike

Posts : 62
Join date : 2014-10-28

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Hampton v City - Page 2 Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by SASCHA Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:05 pm

You have misinterpreted my postings Bristol Mike.
I applaud and appreciate the fact that this group encourage the team both home and away. However this does not excuse the behaviour of an individual. I have never suggested pulling anyone to one side in a manner that would warrant the use of the word hooligan. I am personally offended by this as it would appear that you are suggesting that perhaps I am advising a good kicking or something close to that. Why else would you use the hooligan.
Please read my postings again and perhaps you will understand the message behind them.
The main point and indeed probably the only point is in the last paragraph about encouraging new fans.


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Hampton v City - Page 2 Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Bristol Mike Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:53 pm

Maybe hooligan was a bit strong but a Football fan saying "single someone out and take them to one side for a talking too" does sound a bit strong. Anyway as I said if the insults were personal there is no defence, but I don't think bad language at a Football ground will drive away as many people as performances and results. Like I said hopefully Gill can sort it out and we can forget about this and all get on with supporting a great club and not bitch amongst fans.

Bristol Mike

Posts : 62
Join date : 2014-10-28

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