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Hampton v City

comrade powell
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Hampton v City Empty Hampton v City

Post by Luton Roman Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:40 pm

City 1 up through Marvin after 16m.

Luton Roman

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Luton Roman Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:55 pm

1-1 ht

Luton Roman

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Luton Roman Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:56 pm

Lost 1-3. Place we never do well but looks like we had chances when ahead to consolidate.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by LB Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:09 pm

I don't understand our reluctance to use substitutes. It sounds like Murphy only went off because he was in danger of getting sent off and with three strikers on the bench I would have thought we might have put at least one of them on when we went behind. We didn't have anything to lose at that stage by going for it and we conceded another goal anyway.

Hopefully JG's plan will come to fruition soon, and perhaps Whitehawk next week might give us the boost we need, alternatively...


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by cbtroman Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:30 pm

Don't get why he's playing Artus up front - he's a midfielder not a striker and it's not the time of the season to experiment especially when as mentioned there are other strikers available. Why get Mohamed back if not going to play him?


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BenE Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:56 pm

The general consensus was that we didn't look like scoring second half and it was a mystery why we didn't get another striker on. Watkins did hit the post but it was a speculative shot.

We look tentative in front of goal. We created some decent openings but no one is putting their laces through it. Lucas seems to be the only one prepared to have a go but he isn't getting any game time. I know Kaid is getting a bit frustrated at not being given a chance too. Given our inability in front of goal you can understand why.

I thought we looked great first half but couldn't put the game to bed. The Hampton management nullified our threat and despite them being quite mediochre got the win they hardly deserved.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Midsomer-chris Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:28 am

There is a very wise quotation (attributed to Albert Einstein) which says :

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

Now, I am not saying that we have got an insane manager but why, oh why, oh why when things are going as badly as they were in the second half today did he not make any significant changes ??? I would rather we lost 6-1 and go down making a supreme effort to improve matters, than see another bout of football like today's second half.

Why did Morgan seem to be at the front on his own . . . . . surely Andy Watkins needs to be up front and centre as well ?

As someone said above . . . . . Why not put Kaid Mohamed on ? What is the point in having him sitting on the bench game after game ? Jarvis and Lucas have played well in past matches and there was someone on the bench today who I have not seen before . . . . . Adam Forster. Ok . . . I know that a new player is an unknown quantity but for goodness sake give him a go to see if we can stop that 2-1, 3-1 downward spiral.

Having slumped to 14th in the league surely it is time for drastic changes not to just keep "doing the same thing over and over again".

People who know me know that I am normally a very positive person and not a moaner. Can I just say that the first 30 minutes of the home match against Chelmsford was some of the best football I have seen in a very long time. Whatever was being done right that day needs to be built upon in the future.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by stillmanjunior Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:22 am

Just to point a few things out...

Frankie Artus hasn’t played up front since Jerry came in, he’s been attacking midfield.
I get the impression Kaid is almost making up the numbers at the moment as Jerry said he’s not fit. Bar 90 in the SPC and a few brief sub appearances for us and Wealdstone he hasn’t played. No idea who he spent pre-season with.
Adam Forster is a goalkeeper.

I’ll admit to being mystified over Lucas’ sudden exclusion though. He at least gets into those positions to score and four goals during his time on the pitch isn’t a bad ratio.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BenE Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:32 am

He must have a substantially better goals per minute ratio than anyone else.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Notters Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:01 pm

The lack of substitutions is getting my goat at the moment, and I'm usually one of our more calmer and optimistic fans. When you're consistently not creating chances, then our style of play has to change. Nothing to lose.

I didn't think Hampton & Richmond were a good side yesterday, but thoroughly felt they deserved their victory. They made the most of their opportunities and scored from them. All too often have I seen city go on the attack and then hold the ball, allowing defenders time to run back and stop any further advance.

As much as I want to see entertaining games, I wouldn't mind it if every now and again we do what H&R's did yesterday.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BenE Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:50 pm

We were a little more direct yesterday and we did create chances we just couldn't finish them.

One thing that has to change is that someone needs to move towards the near post. Too often any ball into the middle is cut out by the defenders. Someone like Jarvis should have been getting in there but he consistently goes to the back post. He does have a good leap on him but you get more success getting in front of the defenders.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by comrade powell Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:50 pm

Midsomer-chris wrote: Can I just say that the first 30 minutes of the home match against Chelmsford was some of the best football I have seen in a very long time. Whatever was being done right that day needs to be built upon in the future.

I agree that our play in the early stages of the Chelmsford game was excellent and to be fair, I think we came close to matching it for the first third of yesterday's. I'm sure that a second goal would have killed off such an ordinary team as Hampton but their equaliser came at exactly the right time for them and the worst for us.
comrade powell
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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by comrade powell Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:53 pm

Notters wrote:As much as I want to see entertaining games, I wouldn't mind it if every now and again we do what H&R's did yesterday.

Except for their pathetic play acting and constant whinging to the ref! Compare with the way Dan Ball got up immediately after being clattered on Tuesday.
comrade powell
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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by yuffie Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:56 pm

comrade powell wrote:
Midsomer-chris wrote: Can I just say that the first 30 minutes of the home match against Chelmsford was some of the best football I have seen in a very long time. Whatever was being done right that day needs to be built upon in the future.

I agree that our play in the early stages of the Chelmsford game was excellent and to be fair, I think we came close to matching it for the first third of yesterday's. I'm sure that a second goal would have killed off such an ordinary team as Hampton but their equaliser came at exactly the right time for them and the worst for us.  


Though the shouts at the end of, "we're not f*****g Brazil" and '"F*** off, Jerry", show that not everyone is taking the result quite so philosophically.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by comrade powell Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:10 pm

In which case I'm glad I ran for my bus after the 3rd goal and missed that...No
comrade powell
comrade powell

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by SASCHA Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:43 pm

I believe the culprit to whom you are referring Simon, assuming that it is a lone voice, is a certain moron that stands with The Legion.
He often shouts obscenities at home games , usually directed at individuals and in my opinion should be singled out and taken to one side for a talking to.
If the steward that patrols the popular side was of any use and did his job correctly then this would have been sorted by now. The so called legion members could also have a word.
I stand behind this lot when at the Bath end and I am getting very close to having a word with him myself.
But of course I wont as I do not like confrontations.
His language really is not what we need and should be dealt with.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Dave Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:01 pm

If said steward could apply the same to a couple around the tea bar too that'd be dandy, ta.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by stillmanjunior Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:06 am

I heard a few dissenting voices at full-time. It must have been loud to drown out the relentless abuse from the Hampton dugout, who questioned decisions more than their players, incredibly.

Must admit I haven't noticed it before, but then I'm usually too busy waffling on the radio or tannoy. Wish I packed ear plugs for the filming on Saturday.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Colin Voutt Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:09 pm

Palms wrote:If said steward could apply the same to a couple around the tea bar too that'd be dandy, ta.

You should be concentrating on the recording!!!

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BenE Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:45 pm

I must admit it left a sour feeling with me as I didn't think it was in the least justified and was shouted as Jerry was coming over to thank the fans for their support. He stopped in his tracks and stared at the crowd for a few moments before turning away - no doubt bitterly disappointed.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by yuffie Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:58 pm

BenE wrote:I must admit it left a sour feeling with me as I didn't think it was in the least justified and was shouted as Jerry was coming over to thank the fans for their support. He stopped in his tracks and stared at the crowd for a few moments before turning away - no doubt bitterly disappointed.

Yep, I felt the same and saw Jerry's reaction. I didn't see who actually shouted it (I was putting my camera away) although I think Gary is probably correct.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by Dave Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:52 pm

Colin Voutt wrote:
Palms wrote:If said steward could apply the same to a couple around the tea bar too that'd be dandy, ta.

You should be concentrating on the recording!!!

Sure is hard to some weeks!!!


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BiddyBidgood Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:22 pm

I'm a little shocked that people are singling out one person for shouting out in frustration at the Hampton game, in any case they are a fan just as much as the rest of us and is enititled to an opinion, the comment made about taking him to one side to have a talking to is laughable, how many fans shout out in disgruntled anger and frustration, I could count at least 20 odd especially in home games, just because not everyone is jumping on the Gill Bandwagon doesn't make them any less of a fan, me personally would have results with gritty performances then pretty football that gets us nothing


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by BenE Thu Nov 09, 2017 1:51 pm

I suppose it depends on whether you think it is acceptable to abuse someone because you are frustrated.

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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

Post by SASCHA Sat Nov 11, 2017 10:47 am

So BiddyBidgood believes that the comment made by me  about taking the culprit  of regular offensive, foul and abusive behaviour to one side for a quite word is laughable.
Let me point out that this person acts in a disturbing manner. His comments are usually sustained and almost as though he has very little self control of what comes out of his mouth.
Those stood with him should feel embarrassed and need to explain to him that he is simply making a pratt of himself.
If I were a steward then would certainly have dealt with it by now, not quite sure if they (stewards) are there just as a presence and of course because they are required under safety laws.
We are trying to encourage youngsters to this club as a fan base usually accompanied by adults. Often with one off offers for certain games as an enticement, therefore these groups are often first time visitors.
What a wonderful memory for mum, dad and kids.
Please think before you SHOUT your obscenities young man.


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Hampton v City Empty Re: Hampton v City

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