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Bath Half Charity Plug

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Bath Half Charity Plug Empty Bath Half Charity Plug

Post by Ashley Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:00 pm

I appreciate this isn't exactly City related but I hope the mods won't mind it being here for now to get a bit of exposure.

I'm doing the Bath Half on Sunday 1st March with 3 colleagues from Moore Stephens (a name I'm sure many will know associated with the club) in aid of the RUH Forever Friends Appeal and the Cancer Care Ward at the hospital.

Any donations from supporters who want to help this cause would be very gratefully received.

The link to donate is or it's in my signature.

If anyone is watching the race a fortnight on Sunday please give us all a shout as we go round!



Posts : 1238
Join date : 2014-02-20
Age : 35

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