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comrade powell
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BATH END New Bar  Empty BATH END New Bar

Post by Rodney Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:13 pm

I hope the beer will be poured into recyclable cups and no one will be able to drink from the bottle or can in this designated area. Also which one of our stewards are going to monitor this area...... disaster waiting to happen...pissedd supporters will no doubt drive people away.....


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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by stillmanjunior Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:04 pm

I wasn't in favour because I don't drink anymore so adding alcohol into the ground isn't really an attraction, and did worry about it getting out of hand. But I'm clearly in the minority and you can't really argue with the results when you've had that many people take a survey and vote in favour. If it is a success I'll happily raise an orange squash and say congratulations. If it isn't I'll commend the club on giving it a go and listening to the vote.

The obvious example of where this works is Dulwich and I guess our club want to replicate that.

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by comrade powell Wed Aug 03, 2022 11:21 am

I too voted against the proposal but hopefully it will be a great success and bring in vital finances for the Club. I haven't been impressed with what I've witnessed at some clubs in the past who have introduced drinking in the ground. The atmosphere can get quite aggressive from some drinkers who seem to see the football as a sideshow. That doesn't quite fit in with the aim of attracting families to a community club but I'm sure our Club have thought this through.

You say it works at Dulwich - well they attract huge crowds but only about 20% seem to be watching the game. Really hope TP doesn't become like that!
comrade powell
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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by SteveBradley Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:12 pm

stillmanjunior wrote:I wasn't in favour because I don't drink anymore so adding alcohol into the ground isn't really an attraction, and did worry about it getting out of hand. But I'm clearly in the minority and you can't really argue with the results when you've had that many people take a survey and vote in favour. If it is a success I'll happily raise an orange squash and say congratulations. If it isn't I'll commend the club on giving it a go and listening to the vote.

The obvious example of where this works is Dulwich and I guess our club want to replicate that.

Part of the reaosn why it works at Dulwich is that their crowds are so big that you's struggle to get served enough to get sloshed at one of their games Very Happy The queues there also put a lot of people off buying, so there is an in-built limiting factor to the beer supply for individuals there.

Will be interesting to see how this goes for us.


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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by Luton Roman Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:26 pm

My glass or bottle is, appropriately, half full on this. Works well at Dulwich, also at St.Albans. More clubs at level below successfully have pitch side bars. No reason why the usual non league follower should transform into a drunken, obnoxious lout as a result. There are local pubs and pre match and half time drinking at the ground already and Im not aware of any consequential problems in the ground. Well sited away from the family stand and fans will continue to place themselves suitably. I'm sure there's people we choose to avoid being close to at Twerton already !

Let's see, I'm sure early lessons will be learned to build on the experience identified at other clubs.

Luton Roman

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by Midsomer-steve Thu Aug 04, 2022 2:49 am

I was also not a great fan of the proposal either - difficult to see how the drinks can remain at the right temperature in the Summer months. Key point, as somebody has said, is its location, well away from where families congregate - an extra source of income - maybe, but at what cost - Lets see.

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by Steve Whites Missus Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:54 am

Next to the toilets so basically a straight through operation

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by pete mac Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:48 am

The initiative had significant support in the consultation.

I’ll certainly be trying out tomorrow.

pete mac

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by Steve Whites Missus Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:37 am

Was certainly busy.

I treated myself and guess on a sunny day like yesterday they took a lot of money.

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

Post by pete mac Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:27 pm

It was good. A drink in the sun. Noticed Charlie’s was quieter.

A good initiative by the Club.

pete mac

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BATH END New Bar  Empty Re: BATH END New Bar

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