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Ice bucket challenge.

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Peteboa Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:41 pm

The massacre of thousands of desperately poor innocent, displaced people in Palestine gets little mention on social media yet a video of your mate telling you to pour a bucket of cold water over your head ignites compassion and charitable deeds, for a day. Discuss.....

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Marc Monitor Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:29 pm

I have seen a fair bit of discussion on social media about Palestine. If fact, most of it has been on social media as the normal media are ignoring a lot of it.
Marc Monitor
Marc Monitor

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Beau Nash Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:08 pm

The popular new media, especially the BBC and Sky, rarely cover the big issues as those issues usually reflect badly on the "establishment". The real news is found on social media or in some of the newspapers such as the Guardian, Independent and Mirror.

My FaceBook page carries issues and links to others that directly effect many of us on a daily basis.
Beau Nash
Beau Nash

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Ashley Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:46 pm

When does your election campaign as independent for Bath begin?


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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Matt_1376 Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:40 pm

I was swamped with ice bucket challenge videos on my Facebook page and people telling me to donate. I never got nominated and I never donated.

But my good friends wife in Trow did a 26 mile walk from Stonehenge to Avebury a couple of weeks ago in aid of Alzheimer's. I happily donated to this challenge, which Zoe completed with dozens of other people, because my great uncle from the Essex side of my family (that's right: Scouse + Chav = affraid ) had Alzheimer's and could have benefited from the research that exists now compared to when he suffered from, and eventually succumbed to it, 20 years ago.

Anyone else notice that the ice bucket challenge has now faded away? Just another fad that feeble minded people got carried away with, like the new iPhone 6! Wink

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Beau Nash Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:58 pm

Well said Matt.

My mother also suffered from Alzheimer's Dementia, which was why I moved to Oxfordshire, to care for her.  The authorities there abused us for years.

I now lecture social worker students in the hope that they will be educated to understand the extreme difficulties that carers and the cared for face, especially with poor support from government departments looking to cut, cut and then cut even more...
Beau Nash
Beau Nash

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

Post by Ashley Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:48 pm

The ice bucket thing is irrelevant compared to other events and surely anything that raises money for charity is a good thing. I will donate to Cancer Research for mine (purely personal reasons), I haven't got round to it yet but I will.

Rob, Presumeably if the government are so bad you'll be standing against them in May?


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Join date : 2014-02-20
Age : 35

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Ice bucket challenge. Empty Re: Ice bucket challenge.

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