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challenge for Junior!

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challenge for Junior! Empty challenge for Junior!

Post by comrade powell Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:03 pm

Yesterday's programme listed the details of our last 20 meetings with Poole. Amazingly, 6 of those were played within 7 months. Between 27.3.70 and 24.10.70 we played the Dorset club 4 times in the Southern League, and once each in the sadly missed Western Counties Floodlit Cup and FA Cup. The close season lasted for 3 months that year which means that we played them around once every 20 of the available days! Have we ever played another club more often in a very short period - I'm guessing that Yeovil matches are a possibility due to 2 legged Somerset Cup finals and Southern League Cup ties. By midnight please...
comrade powell
comrade powell

Posts : 7033
Join date : 2014-01-27

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challenge for Junior! Empty Re: challenge for Junior!

Post by suffolkexile Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:14 pm

Allow me to steal Juniors thunder! We played Yeovil 5 times in 12 days between 7-18 April 1979 ( twice in the league, twice in the Southern League Cup, once in the SPC.) then played next season in the league 17 November.


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challenge for Junior! Empty Re: challenge for Junior!

Post by stillmanjunior Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:18 pm

I'm sure we played Newport five times between September and December 2007. Twice in the league, three in various cups (all cup games at Spytty). I think we ended up playing there as much as Twerton Park at one point.

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challenge for Junior! Empty Re: challenge for Junior!

Post by comrade powell Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:42 pm

Thanks Suffolk. And of course the amazing thing about that sequence with Yeovil in April 79 was that those 5 fixtures with Yeovil were consecutive. I can remember the Yeovil Junior on the tannoy at the SL cup final saying something like 'We have 2 midweek fixtures coming up - on Monday our visitors will be Bath City in the Southern League and then on Wednesday it's the semi final of the Somerset Cup against Bath City!"

And you're correct Junior about our visits to Spytty in 2007!
12/10 cup
24/10 league
19/11 setanta shield
15/12 trophy
comrade powell
comrade powell

Posts : 7033
Join date : 2014-01-27

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challenge for Junior! Empty Re: challenge for Junior!

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