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Bath City 3 Winchester 2

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Bath City 3 Winchester 2 Empty Bath City 3 Winchester 2

Post by tovid Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:03 pm

Got away with that. We really looked rusty but it was end to end stuff. Ryan Clarke made a couple of really top drawer saves. And Tommy Conway worked his socks off and looks a good prospect.
I was a bit disappointed with the propensity for the Winchester players to squeal when tackled and go down as if shot by a sniper while their colleagues rushed to challenge the ref and the tackler but then I noticed that they had two female physios and a surprising number of the injuries appeared to be near the upper thigh.
Oh for the days of the ice cold sponge no matter what the injury. In those days the physio only needed to take a step on to the pitch with his bucket to effect a miraculous recovery.

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Join date : 2018-06-27

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