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Other features of the ground

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Other features of the ground Empty Other features of the ground

Post by OliverH Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:47 am


- I think an electronic scoreboard makes the club look the business
- Electronic screen at one end, showing our last goal! Advertising could pay for it?
- Can we have murals of past players?
- A photo of Jim Rollo is a must
- Name spelt out on seats, B&W seats

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Join date : 2015-01-04
Age : 44
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Other features of the ground Empty Re: Other features of the ground

Post by stillmanjunior Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:48 pm

One thing I've just realised from the graphic is if you're sat along next to that new building, surely you can't see the goal at the Bristol End? Probably not even one of the 18 yard boxes, it's a bit like some of the seats at Billericay.

Has this been considered?

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Other features of the ground Empty Re: Other features of the ground

Post by OliverH Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:06 pm

Thanks Mark, apologies I should have flagged in this section that the consultation is now closed and that a summary report has been submitted to the board - I've now fixed that.

That said, some of us are still monitoring this section so can pass on questions to the appropriate people.

As to your point, apologies I don't quite understand, could you please clarify? E.g. which graphic?

Posts : 469
Join date : 2015-01-04
Age : 44
Location : Bath

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