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Bath City Automobile XI

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Bath City Automobile XI Empty Bath City Automobile XI

Post by kermit Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:24 pm I've got too much time on my hands at the moment!
The other night I said to a few folk on the terraces, "so we've got a Hillman and a Riley in our team, can we make up a team of 'cars' from City players past and present?"
Well, just taking British manufacturers, I've got a squad of 45. If I'd added American companies we would have a squad bigger than Chelsea's.
A few 'rules'.
UK companies only - sorry Smart is not UK.
A double barrelled company name, may, and does, include 2 players.
Surnames only.
No duplications, ie only one player with each name.
These don't qualify....Coupe, Brake!
Some of the companies are very old and may have produced just a handful of automobiles.
Good luck.

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Join date : 2014-02-20
Age : 29
Location : Rostrenen, Brittany, France.

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