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Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station?

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Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station? Empty Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station?

Post by comrade powell Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:14 am

No, not to check tickets  but to give out flyers to the public advertising Tuesday's match with Chippenham.

Ideally this is from 5 pm today (Friday), but anyone should just come along when they can as we're giving it a good hour and a half / two hours.

Just come along to the station vicinity and look for Carole Banwell (General Manager) who will give you the flyers.

This could really help to boost Tuesday's attendance so thanks in advance to anyone who can help the club in this way.
comrade powell
comrade powell

Posts : 7037
Join date : 2014-01-27

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Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station? Empty Re: Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station?

Post by OliverH Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:23 am

Great plan, and I believe we are doing this on Monday evening as well.

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Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station? Empty Re: Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station?

Post by comrade powell Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:31 am

Yes, I'm told there is a greater demand for volunteers today but I'm sure they won't be turned away if they turned up on Monday.
comrade powell
comrade powell

Posts : 7037
Join date : 2014-01-27

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Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station? Empty Re: Can you spare an hour today outside Bath Spa station?

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