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Table after Weymouth

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Table after Weymouth  Empty Table after Weymouth

Post by Midsomer-chris Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:18 pm

Attendance 1121

This was an excellent turn out for an evening match. At first glance I thought that a couple of people had got very close and  won high points, but I'm afraid, despite their optimism, only 2Weirdtown has gained any points this week.

Midsomer-chris  60 + 0 = 60
2Weirdtwon  20 + 15 = 35
Midsomer-Steve  15 + 0 = 15
PhilB1973   15 + 0 = 15
Comrade Powell  10 + 0 = 10
ClaireK  5 + 0 = 5
Grandma Gibbons 5 + 0 = 5
Kermit 5 + 0  = 5
Steve Whites Missus  5 + 0 = 5
Azlimey  0 + 0 = 0
Beau Nash 0 + 0 = 0
City 'til We're Relegated  0
Tovid  0 + 0 = 0

Posts : 1393
Join date : 2014-02-21
Age : 66

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Table after Weymouth  Empty Re: Table after Weymouth

Post by Midsomer-steve Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:33 pm

So, coming between us eh Neil? Get thee hence young vagabond Laughing

Seriously - well done - join the gang of optimistic predicters!

Posts : 1367
Join date : 2014-02-22
Age : 77
Location : Midsomer Norton

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