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After the gold rush

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After the gold rush Empty After the gold rush

Post by City 'til we're relegated Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:32 pm

Well, I read on the forum someone suggested we get knocked out by Dorking and pocket the cash from the crowd. It doesn’t turn us into a wealthy club but it’s great to see that money go to launch a fresh campaign next season.

City 'til we're relegated

Posts : 230
Join date : 2014-03-02

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After the gold rush Empty Re: After the gold rush

Post by tovid Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:14 pm

It is effectively a pocket with holes in it. There are demands on it from all over the place.

The club needs to achieve a neutral budget next season so this will help in achieving that. It will not give Jerry a load of dosh to play with.

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After the gold rush Empty Re: After the gold rush

Post by Steve Whites Missus Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:06 pm

City 'til we're relegated wrote:Well, I read on the forum someone suggested we get knocked out by Dorking and pocket the cash from the crowd. It doesn’t turn us into a wealthy club but it’s great to see that money go to launch a fresh campaign next season.

I didn't quite suggest we get knocked out on purpose.... just madly thought that getting to the final and losing would burn all the money up whereas at least if we lost in the first round we could pocket some.  I was still hoping we would get through as had 13/2 on us winning promotion.

Steve Whites Missus

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