Recycling the New Lawn?
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Recycling the New Lawn?
Has anyone from the club considered contacting Forest Green Rovers about the possibility of recycling parts of their soon-to-be-departed New Lawn stadium? With planning permission for their new all-wooden stadium now granted, they will be looking to leave the New Lawn in the next couple of years. Since their owner is a prominent eco-socialist, you would imagine he would look favourably on the idea of recycling parts of the redundant stadium (which is itself only a decade old) and selling/gifting it to a community club such as ours. I think the steels and roof structure for the two ends of the New Lawn, would fit the Bristol and Bath ends pretty well. Obviously there would be significant transport costs and logistical issues involved, but one of the ends has already moved once (from FGR's old stadium) so it is not totally impractical. It would be good to know if this could be discussed by the Board at some point.
Manchester Romans- Posts : 222
Join date : 2014-02-27
Re: Recycling the New Lawn?
An interesting idea which I’ll pass on! (pass as in forward not ignore...)
comrade powell- Posts : 6881
Join date : 2014-01-27
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