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Carolyn Briscoe

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Carolyn Briscoe Empty Carolyn Briscoe

Post by comrade powell Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:35 pm

The Club is deeply saddened to announce that director John Reynolds' partner, Carolyn Briscoe, has passed away after a long illness, which she  battled bravely against.

Carolyn was a regular in the TR Hayes Lounge on match days, helping John to welcome supporters and looking after the visiting club's officials. Although a relatively late comer to the City cause, having grown up in the north, she became a passionate supporter and regularly accompanied John to away fixtures.

John would like to pass on his thanks for all the messages of support he has received over the last few months.

RIP Carolyn
comrade powell
comrade powell

Posts : 6968
Join date : 2014-01-27

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Carolyn Briscoe Empty Re: Carolyn Briscoe

Post by kermit Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:05 pm

John if you read this, please accept my sincere condolences. Nothing more I can add. So sad.

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Carolyn Briscoe Empty Re: Carolyn Briscoe

Post by westonpundit Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:39 am

So sorry to hear this sad news. As a member at the T R Hayes lounge Carolyn was always there helping on match days to promote the club to key sponsors, visiting directors and guests right up to very recently until her ill health prevented her from attending. Such a lovely person who fought her illness so courageously and will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with John, family and friends at this sad time.
RIP Carolyn.


Posts : 30
Join date : 2017-07-28

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