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Time for a new song?

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Time for a new song? Empty Time for a new song?

Post by City 'til we're relegated Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:00 pm

Now that our 'friends' from South Somerset have re-joined the non-league scene, I wondered if it was time for those that sing at the ground to have a new song. To that end I think that the Irish song, written in 1848, 'A Nation Once Again' would fit the bill. Here is a link to the song, which ranked as the world's favourite song in a BBC survey.

After the first verse is the chorus with the following words:- A nation once again, a nation once again, and Ireland long a province be a nation once again. These words could be replaced with:- A non-league club again, a non-league club again, and Yeovil long a non-league club are a non-league club again.

It is a catchy tune too.

City 'til we're relegated

Posts : 221
Join date : 2014-03-02

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Time for a new song? Empty Re: Time for a new song?

Post by Dodgycarpet Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:00 am

Brill. What other clubs forum has a link to the Dubliners!!


Posts : 224
Join date : 2014-03-01

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Time for a new song? Empty Re: Time for a new song?

Post by SteveBradley Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:10 am

You can't beat a bit of the Dubliners ! Very Happy


Posts : 302
Join date : 2014-02-21

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Time for a new song? Empty Re: Time for a new song?

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