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Press Association - a favour

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Press Association - a favour Empty Press Association - a favour

Post by stillmanjunior Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:15 pm

I'm not at Saturday's game, will be too busy stood alongside some bloke who's getting married.

One of my matchday duties is to email the Press Association with live updates.

They require the following:
Goals - the team, scorer and minute
Cautions/red cards - team, offender and minute
Subs - team, player off, player on, minute
Half-time score
Full-time score

Would someone be able to do this? I'll be too busy to send Sybil Fawlty reminders. Just need someone reliable enough and doesn't mind playing on their phone a bit whilst watching. I can forward their email address etc.

Posts : 2185
Join date : 2014-02-21
Age : 39
Location : Press box

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Press Association - a favour Empty Re: Press Association - a favour

Post by stillmanjunior Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:40 pm

...if it's as busy as tonight I will not be paying overtime.

Posts : 2185
Join date : 2014-02-21
Age : 39
Location : Press box

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