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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust Empty Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

Post by Timbo_b-o-a Wed May 10, 2017 3:41 pm

Oxford City the latest to succumb to plastic. Very depressing.


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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust Empty Re: Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

Post by Steve Whites Missus Thu May 11, 2017 2:52 pm

I agree, but isn't it:

a. the cure for all our ills
b. an obsession for some people
c. the latest folly for Bath

Very soon we'll be able to hire the current pitch out at an exorbitant level due to being a rarity.

Steve Whites Missus

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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust Empty Re: Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

Post by comrade powell Fri May 12, 2017 9:06 am

I bet Oxford fans are pleased to see the end of the dreadful surface they've had to endure. I always find it odd that there are such strict standards regarding certain aspects of a club's facilities and yet the thing that everything relies on seems to be forgotten. Havant should have been ordered to play their last few home matches at another venue last season.

As for artificial - I've seen some decent matches on our recent travels.
comrade powell
comrade powell

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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust Empty Re: Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

Post by Ashley Fri May 12, 2017 1:05 pm

Oxford seem like an ideal club to go down this path as their old pitch was awful and they don't get great crowds so this is a possible way of getting more use out of their ground.

3G is clearly not for everyone but in this case it seems a sensible move.


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Join date : 2014-02-20
Age : 35

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Oxford City - Another one bites the dust Empty Re: Oxford City - Another one bites the dust

Post by BenE Sun May 21, 2017 9:03 am

People tell me you get more injuries, and especially endurance injuries, playing on 3G but I've been playing on it for 10 years and I'm 60 and not noticed the pitch contributing to the severity of the bruising and cuts caused by knee high tackles which are the usual source of injuries.
However I do play in track suit bottoms as there are no two ways about it you get grass burns when doing a sliding tackle, although nowhere near as bad as the older pitches.

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Join date : 2014-02-11

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