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BCIR coverage today

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BCIR coverage today Empty BCIR coverage today

Post by London Calling Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:42 pm

Hi all.

Just wanted to upload a bit of an apology from the BCIR team for the break in our commentary towards the end of the game today.

We had a few problems getting a decent Wifi signal before kickoff and then one or two gremlins in the system once we started caused our laptop to die about five minutes before the end!

Sincere apologies for not bringing you the full thrilling end to the game although I trust people got to hear Kelly's great strike in the 79th minute. bounce

I really thought we played well today, the midfield showed much more energy and creativity and I really couldn't pick a player in red who had a bad game. Very encouraging performance.

London Calling

Posts : 65
Join date : 2014-09-06

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BCIR coverage today Empty Re: BCIR coverage today

Post by Beau Nash Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:09 pm

Thanks for covering the games, the time you guys spend on the road is really appreciated. cheers
Beau Nash
Beau Nash

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Join date : 2014-02-20
Location : Bath

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